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Hair Care Routine

Stay consistent for long-lasting results. 

Hydrating Hair Mist -  Treat your hair like you would take care of a plant and watch it flourish with consistency.. 


Hydrating Hair Oil - Maybe be used daily does not cause any build up it’s organic recommend that you use 2-3 times but it’s your preference. 


Chebe Hair Butter - This will be used like a hair grease it’s recommended to use 1-2 weekly especially if you are suffering to grow edges you can apply this more often . If you suffer from Dandruff ( Pityriasis Capitis ) , cradle crap, psoriasis I would recommend you do this as a mixture with your hydrating hair mist you will not be disappointed!


Detox (Shampoo) Bar - As often as you wash your hair a little goes a long way with this bar it can last up to 3 months you don’t need much just a little water and the job will be done . 

Skin Care Routine

Stay consistent to see the best results. 

Cleanse - Turmeric bar massage into face, rinse off with cool water.


Mask - Jelly Glow Mask 5-10 minutes, rinse off with cool water.


Toner - leave on or rinse off with cool water.


Moisturize - Serum or Turmeric facial butter.


May use jelly glow mask daily. Dark spots be one 2-3 times a week to clear dark spots. 

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